yay! Thank you so much for updating the app.



@jwz yay! So happy to be back in my fave app.


unfortunately not. Needs a restore from an iTunes backup, which I didn’t bother with. This is primarily a consumption device, I just never thought a beta could break that simple functionality.

Really regretting installing the ios11beta. iPad is running too hot to actually hold.

So #Trump's unelected daughter 'stood in' for him at the G20. Just imagine that happening for _any_ of the other countries.

more than doing open/closing tags? JSONs simplicity and interop just makes it so simple.

Plus: why are you writing JSON in an editor? I write wrappers for most of mine, so the values get added programly or via API


All the handwringing about sexbots in the UK media today: did none of these people watch Westworld? Dealt with all these issues.

So, another evening of clouds and code ?

nope. Unless you count the stupidly named Files app.

Hmmmm. Can't have markdown on the liveblog, but I wonder if it goes through to the other _services_