
'icomoon svg' consists of the two files:


Without those two, the icons won't show.

I've checked the downloaded icons, and there's no licence document in there. Checking the website gives me GPL/CC-BY-SA for the Free IconPack i've used -- I'll write that up in the README, but it should be okay as you're already GPL

Done, and all conflicts fixed on the dev branch

re 2) oh, holy hells. Yeah, the php curl gets a different result to what comes through on a straight curl/postman call. Damnation, but that's frustrating.

re 1) I don't follow? I pushed the icomoon stuff to the develop branch -- or do I have to do a new PR from the one with them in it?

Collaborating is fun, but also somewhat confusing for me.

meh, the discovery aspect would have become a monster of the week.

That's the thing though, there's both too much and not enough variety of interaction. Some great eps in there, just too many weak ones.


wow. Absolutely the same. This may be something to do with the RSS feeds thing ?


I never got why they didn't have the courage of their convictions on voyager. Entire show should have been one long slow 'year in hell' -- ship gradually breaking down, possibly abandoned in favour of a hirogen or other vessel.


ah, but those people get culled ab initio. Can't be doing with that. Mind you, I do have a shell script that converts partials to fulls, use it for file 770.

you see, I sub to RSS feeds the way some people hit follow on twitter. If someone has written something interesting or insightful, and I've come across that, I'll add the feed to my ttrss. I then need some impetus to delete them afterwards.

WWDC just provided me with such an impetus. Scads of redundant hackneyed information, coming from people who probably should know better, and who can (and have) write better.

Just such a beautiful day. actually felt like summer all weekend - we even barbecued lunch today. ☀ ?

Just deleted about two dozen apple-related rss feeds from my subs. WWDC is wonderfully clarifying: same bullshit being spewed out all over.