The Migraine thankfully dissipated overnight. Just as well too, as this morning dawned bright and sunny, for a change! ☀ ?

svguse.js is straight from icomoon's downloads. i was certain i only pulled it in for the icomoon icon using branch

Now well into day two of this migraine, it shows no sign of abating. Breathing actually hurts

oh, that's great news. Pulling for you fro, waaaaaay over here… ?

heh. Haven't made it actually work yet, groundwork laid though.

Alrighty - seeing if I can make this work - Mastodon posting joining the LiveBlog

It's really hard to believe that Sgt Peppers is 50 years old. That means that in a scant few years it's 50 years since we walked on the moon…

Ooooooh, coffee mug, definitely

Hmm, given the limited options - what would be a good fontawesome glyph to use for 10centuries? Asking for, well, myself really :) Anyone have ideas? the full fa set is here:

Or perhaps something from icomoon would be better?

1996? Hmmm…..
Presidents of the USA, Peaches
Radiohead, Just & Street Spirit
Oasis, Champagne Supernova
Smashing Pumpkins, 1979

_Faster than the speed of sound, faster than we thought we'd go, beneath the sound of hope_
