nah, just bog standard. Problem is, the feature I was working on was live-data dependent, so I had to commit every change & upload to remote to test the result. I'm aware that there are better methods to do this, but I'm an amateur enthusiast at best.

Right, another pull request sent on its way! My 'hobby' work here is done! ish. For now anyway. ? ?

Another day, another load of php errors to read through in an attempt to understand this most annoying of languages

@kdfrawg after years of being firm on the craft beer, I've relaxed and now am willing to just enjoy a cold one of a Friday night. Tonight's beer is mostly Budweiser.

@kdfrawg I think what fixed the issue for me was dealing with colleagues in France, Spain and Israel. These were all deeply professional people, male and female, and none of them felt the need to wear a damned suit when it wasn't required.


My day job is an attorney. I now wear suit only on the days I'm actually in court, because to hell with that bullshit. Other than those days, it's jeans, polo shirt and sneakers. You've no idea how liberating this is…

@kdfrawg oddly, and for the first time in a while, I think I preferred the coding to the beer ?

Been plugging away at nitinthewiz's great LiveBlog script. I'm really enjoying this, to be honest. Now: ?

Well, time to eke out another little bit of code before I need to tell the band to play the blues ?

Some time soon, this rain will stop. I know this.

This doesn't make it any easier ?