@nitinkhanna You know what, I'm looking at your live blog now. I think that's far more akin to what I've been looking at known for.
@JeremyCherfas oh, you have my sympathies. I was there myself with WP.
If there's anything I can do to help, please, genuinely, do not hesitate to ask.
@JeremyCherfas Graaaak!!! The other way round!!!
Logged into KNOWN, then logged into quill.
@JeremyCherfas I'm sorry, jeremy, I thought I replied to this hours ago. It worked for me as follows:
Logged into Quill
Logged into Known
Refreshed the list of Syndic Endpoints in Quill
Then the endpoints appeared, and were remembered in future by Quill
@JeremyCherfas What are you trying to do with known that's causing you so much trouble?